APA News

  • Government Chemist Conference 2023

    20 June 2023

    This event will take place at the Royal Society of Chemistry, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London on 20-21 June with remote attendance options available.

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  • Death of Braxton Reynolds

    14 June 2023

    E Braxton Reynolds, BSc (Hons) Chemistry, MChemA, CChem, MRSC, previously also MIFST, FRSH, FInstPet, President of the Association 1998-2000, was born December 20, 1940. He died from complications from mesothelioma on May 31, 2023, aged 82. His funeral will be held at 10.30am Heavitree Parish Church, Exeter, on Friday, June 30.

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  • PM visit to Kent Public Analyst Laboratory

    01 June 2023

    Kent Scientific Services have had a visit by the prime minister Rishi Sunak and Sir Chris Whitty the chief medical officer. This was in relation to the government's clampdown on the sale of vapes to under 18s and removing illegal products from the market which have excess tank sizes and levels of nicotine.

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  • Proteomics Workshop for Public Analysts

    25 May 2023

    A Joint Knowledge Transfer Framework for Food Standards and Food Safety Analysis Workshop. Triple quadrupole LC-MS/MS analysis to qualitatively determine the species origin of processed meats and gelatin in foods. This free workshop is for Public Analysts only.

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  • Curry Killer

    12 November 2022

    Public Analyst Dr Duncan Campbell’s contribution to the series 2 of BBC’s Expert Witness will be broadcast at 10 am on Wednesday 16th November and will also be available on iPlayer The item covers his part in the investigation following the tragic death of Paul Wilson in 2014.

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  • FSA On Tour

    25 October 2022

    Members of the Scientific Sampling and Laboratory Policy (SSLP) team at the Food Standards Agency (FSA) recently visited Lancashire County Scientific Services to tour the laboratories and gain an insight in to the work that they do which includes a range of environmental, consumer protection analysis and microbiology as well as Official Laboratory (OL) work on food and animal feed. Commenting on the visit SSLP Team Leader David Franklin said “We welcomed the opportunity to visit Lancashire County Scientific Services and see first-hand how they are protecting public health on a day-to-day basis. Public Analysts Laboratories perform a vital role in undertaking analytical testing to protect consumer health, across food and feed and wider consumer products.”

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