APA News

  • PM visit to Kent Public Analyst Laboratory

    Kent Scientific Services have had a visit by the prime minister Rishi Sunak and Sir Chris Whitty the chief medical officer.

    This was in relation to the government’s clampdown on the sale of vapes to under 18s  and removing illegal products from the market which have excess tank sizes and levels of nicotine.After a briefing on the efforts being made by KCC Trading Standards to tackle the sale of vapes to under-18s and the importation of dangerous vaping products into the country, Mr Sunak took a practical lesson in how they are tested in the laboratory.

    With the help of scientists Punil Sanatcumar and Mark Norfolk, the Prime Minster tested some of the vapes, checking in particular the volumes they contained and analysing the precise ingredients.

    Mr Sanatcumar demonstrated the unique process he had developed for quantifying the precise level of nicotine in the items.

    Mark Rolfe, the Head of Kent Scientific Services, outlined the work of the facility, which provides a resource for other local authorities, including port health authorities, as well as private industry.

    The Prime Minister, who was accompanied on his visit by the government’s Chief Medical Officer Sir Chris Whitty, described KSS as “a centre of excellence” and at the front line of testing, providing vital information in the campaign to tackle illegal vaping.