APA News

  • FSA Board Supports Proposals for a More Resilient Lab System

    04 October 2022

    At its recent meeting meeting in Belfast, the FSA Board was supportive of the recommendations made which were recently made.

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  • Free Webinar: Analysis for substances causing food hypersensitivity - 28th of September 2022 15:00 to 16:30 BST

    28 September 2022

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  • FSA Board Meeting now at 9:00 on Monday 26th September

    05 September 2022

    The meeting will consider a paper proposing a three-phase plan to provide a lab system built on five pillars of resilience.

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  • Food Standards Scotland visit Aberdeen Scientific Services Laboratory’s New Accommodation

    05 July 2022

    With the move from Old Aberdeen House to the James Hutton Institute’s Craigiebuckler Site (JHI) complete staff at ASSL welcomed colleagues from FSS to look round the new laboratories.

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  • Food Standards Scotland Board Consider Access to Laboratories

    18 June 2022

    At its Board Meeting on the 15th June Food Standards Scotland (FSS) discussed a paper putting the case for a nationally funded delivery model for official food and feed laboratory services (PA labs). The paper acknowledged the key role of these laboratories in protecting public health and safeguarding consumer interests, and referenced the reports and reviews that have made the case for a strong public sector system over the years. It noted the lack of any formal relationship between FSS and the four local authorities which own the laboratories (Aberdeen, Dundee, Glasgow and Edinburgh). The paper focused on two possible delivery models, both of which would require additional funds to counteract the effects of the long term underinvestment in the Public Analyst laboratories.

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  • Analysis finds undeclared hazelnut in fake Wonka Bar

    16 April 2022

    A business owner from Huddersfield, who's been trading in Barnsley, has pleaded guilty for selling counterfeit products with incorrect labelling and allergy advice. Nathan Bennett, 33, of Leeds Road, Huddersfield, pleaded guilty at Barnsley Magistrates Court on Monday 4 April 2022 to Food Safety, Labelling and Trademarks charges. The case was adjourned until Tuesday 26 April to allow for the completion of pre-sentencing reports. In August 2021, following a complaint from a member of the public, a Trading Standards Officer visited his premises in the Alhambra Centre in Barnsley and got a sample of what appeared to be a counterfeit Wonka Bar. The sample was submitted to Public Analyst Dr Duncan Campbell for analysis.

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