Training Courses
LGC PCR Seminar
17/09/2013 - The event will be held at LGC’s headquarters in Teddington, South West London.
As a continuation to the successful Defra/FSA Knowledge Transfer event series delivered at LGC (Teddington), this additional Knowledge Transfer event will cover the use of real-time PCR technology in food authenticity testing as applied to meat species identification and determination of pasta adulteration.
This Knowledge Transfer event will:
• Provide a brief review of real-time PCR • Summarise the advantages and limitations behind the technique • Describe the application of real-time PCR to help: – Identify meat species – Test for pasta adulteration
• Give guidance on use of relevant SOPs and how to interpret results • Discuss the need for a shared agreed reporting format Developed following enquires from Public Analysts and related laboratory personnel, this Knowledge Transfer event will provide participants with advice, guidance and best practice on the application of real-time PCR for particular food authenticity issues.
Presentations will be delivered by leading experts in the field from LGC, Fera and Premier Analytical Services. The event is open to all Public Analysts and their senior relevant staff, and will provide an opportunity to network, share experiences and discuss specific issues.
Knowledge Transfer event information: • Jointly funded by Defra and the FSA • Participation is free to Public Analyst laboratories and their relevant staff • Lunch and refreshments will be provided • Laboratories are invited to register their interest using the contact details below
Course Venue The course will be held at LGC’s headquarters in Teddington, South West London. The venue is conveniently located for travel by car (easily accessible from the M3, M4 and M25), rail (30 minutes direct from London Waterloo) or air (30 minutes by taxi from Heathrow airport).
Contact To register your interest in this course, or for further information, please contact: Malcolm Burns .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) Tel: 0208 943 8452
Timothy Wilkes .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) Tel: 0208 943 7493
LGC, Queens Road, Teddington, Middlesex, TW11 0LY, UK Web: -
Combatting Adulteration in Meat Products - Effective Control and Enforcement
25/04/2013 - Marsh Farm Hotel, Coped Hall, Royal Wootton Bassett, Wiltshire, SN4 8ER (near J16 M4)
This one day workshop has been arranged by Food and Farming Compliance to provide an update on the horsemeat fraud saga. This workshop will explore the context of failure of the EU food industry to impose appropriate control measures in the meat supply chain and will identify the role of the Regulatory Authorities to minimise the risk.
See attached file for full detals
Analysis and Examination of Foods 2013
10/04/2013 - Reading
The next annual course at the University of Reading will take place in the week of 29 April – 3rd May 2013. This informative and very enjoyable (though demanding) week of lectures and interactive workshops is highly recommended by the APA Training Committee. It is excellent preparation and professional development for senior laboratory and reporting staff in Public Analysts’ laboratories. The course programme is on a two year rolling cycle covering most aspects of the Mastership in Chemical Analysis , MChemA, syllabus. Attendance is essential preparation for those intending to sit the qualification examinations for the statutory MChemA administered by the Royal Society of Chemistry. Those delegates who attended in 2012 will find this course particularly useful. A report on the 2012 residential course is at and gives a flavour of the event. Owing to the generous sponsorship of the FSA the course is free to the first delegate from each UK (and associated) Official Food Control (Public Analyst) laboratory site. If there are any spare places, these will be offered as follows: • To subsequent delegates from UK OFC (Public Analysts) labs – fee on application • £895* per person for non UK OFC labs or any industry or commercial labs who may be interested in sending delegates • Daily rates are also available, typically £200*. *+VAT Please note - this course will be very popular. Places will be strictly limited to 20.
Further information available by e-mailing APA Training Officer .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) or .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) Closing date for registration is 12 April 2013. The APA Educational Trust would like to acknowledge with thanks assistance from the National Measurement Office Government Chemist Programme and the Analytical Trust Fund.
Emerging Analytical Professionals (EAP) Conference “A Euro Vision: Analytical Science In Tune”.
15/11/2012 - Thorpe Park Hotel and Spa, Leeds.
Harmonisation across Europe in a range of analytical disciplines: Environmental Science, Standards and Methodologies, Pharmaceuticals, Forensic Science, Safety and Security.
EAP is an all inclusive weekend conference aimed at early career scientists and researchers both in industry and academia. There will be an emphasis on networking opportunities and continuing professional development activities as well as back-to-basics technique workshops and general interest analytical presentations and talks. The all inclusive fee for delegates is £270 however bookings made before the end of February 2013 will attract an early bird rate of £240
NRL Heavy Metals in Food Workshop
11/10/2012 - Sand Hutton (approximately 7 milesnorth-east of York adjacent to the A64)
Heavy Metals in Food training workshop aimed at staff from UK Official Control laboratories (OCLs).
See Provisional Programme attached below
NRL Mycotoxins Workshop
11/10/2012 - Sand Hutton (approximately 7 miles north-east of York adjacent to the A64.)
Mycotoxins training workshop aimed at staff from UK Official Control laboratories (OCLs)
The Provisional Programme is attached below