Training Courses
Environmental Contaminants Webinar (28th-30th April)
03/03/2015 -
A further series of webinars is planned for 28th & 30th April, 2015 on Environmental Contaminants, again in collaboration with Separation Science and Thermo Fisher Scientific. This online eSeminar focuses on the analysis of environmental contaminants and takes place in four 2 hr sessions, one each on 28 & 30 April. Registration is free although a pro forma must be completed.
Determination of Persistent Organic Pollutants in Food/Feed Samples Jordi Díaz Ferrero (Group IQS for Food and Environmental Safety, IQS, Spain)
Veterinary Residues – Testing Times for Laboratories Liam Gormley (LGC, UK)
Triumphs and Challenges of High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry in Comprehensive Pesticide Residue Screens Mark Crosswhite (Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, USA)
Advances in Pesticide Analysis Methods for Food from Animal Origin Ralf Lippold (EU Reference Laboratory for Pesticides in Food of Animal Origin, Germany)
Mycotoxins – Sampling, Regulation and Analysis, the European Context Michael Walker (LGC, UK)
Accurate Quantification of Mycotoxins in Food using LC-MS/MS Elisabeth Varga (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Austria)
HPLC-MS/MS Method for the Measurement of Insecticide Degradation Products in Baby Food Samantha Radford (Saint Francis University, USA)
Multi-Allergen Detection in Thermally-Processed Baked Goods by Mass Spectrometry Christine H. Parker (Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, U.S. Food and Drug Administration, USA)
To register go to -
The next annual course at the University of Reading will take place in the week of 20th April – 24th April 2015. This informative and very enjoyable (though demanding) week of lectures and interactive workshops is highly recommended by the APA Training Committee. It is excellent preparation and professional development for senior laboratory and reporting staff in Public Analysts’ laboratories.
The course programme is on a two year rolling cycle covering most aspects of the Mastership in Chemical Analysis , MChemA, syllabus. Attendance is essential preparation for those intending to sit the qualification examinations for the statutory MChemA administered by the Royal Society of Chemistry. Those delegates who attended in 2014 will find this course particularly useful. Owing to the generous sponsorship of the FSA the course is free to the first delegate from each UK (and associated) Official Food Control (Public Analyst) laboratory site. If there are any spare places, these will be offered as follows: • To subsequent delegates from UK OFC (Public Analysts) labs – fee on application • £1200* per person for non UK OFC labs or any industry or commercial labs who may be interested in sending delegates • Daily rates are also available, typically £300*. *+VAT Please note - this course will be very popular. Places will be strictly limited to 20. Further Details: Further information available by e-mailing APA Training Officer .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) or .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) Closing date for registration is 2 April 2015. The APA Educational Trust would like to acknowledge with thanks assistance from the National Measurement Office Government Chemist Programme, FSA, Defra and the Analytical Trust Fund.
REACH and CPL training for Public Analysts
18/09/2014 - The Lodge, IET, Austin Court, Birmingham
A free seminar to discuss enforcement issues with current chemical regulations will take place on 19 March 2015. placeholder Scientists, trading standards officers, enforcement agencies, manufacturers and importers are invited to join the Government Chemist at the Lodge, IET Birmingham, to discuss regulatory challenges and the role of measurement science and technology in chemical regulation. The seminar ‘REACH and CLP enforcement: measurement and related issues for Public Analysts and Enforcement Authorities’ includes discussions on checking compliance with CLP and CHIP in the laboratory, and safety data sheets. It also covers the importance of measurement science and technology in effective regulation and the role of the Environment Agency in enforcing REACH.
REACH dossiers, CLP notifications, safety data sheets and high quality regulatory services all have one thing in common - they rely on the effective use of scientific inputs, including sound measurement strategies and complementary techniques. Coherent data sourcing and interpretation have a vital part to play. To offer the widest possible networking opportunities in this field, we bring together scientists and business planners from both enforcement bodies and those they enforce, REACH and CLP specialists and regulatory stakeholders.
FERA Contact Materials Workshop
02/03/2014 - FERA
A one day Contact Materials Workshop
ANALYSIS AND EXAMINATION OF FOODS 2014 (28th April to 2nd May)
The next annual course at the University of Reading will take place in the week of 28th April – 2nd May 2014. This informative and very enjoyable (though demanding) week of lectures and interactive workshops is highly recommended by the APA Training Committee. It is excellent preparation and professional development for senior laboratory and reporting staff in Public Analysts’ laboratories.
The course programme is on a two year rolling cycle covering most aspects of the Mastership in Chemical Analysis , MChemA, syllabus. Attendance is essential preparation for those intending to sit the qualification examinations for the statutory MChemA administered by the Royal Society of Chemistry. Those delegates who attended in 2013 will find this course particularly useful. A report on the 2013 residential course is at and gives a flavour of the event. Owing to the generous sponsorship of the FSA the course is free to the first delegate from each UK (and associated) Official Food Control (Public Analyst) laboratory site. If there are any spare places, these will be offered as follows: • To subsequent delegates from UK OFC (Public Analysts) labs – fee on application • £895* per person for non UK OFC labs or any industry or commercial labs who may be interested in sending delegates • Daily rates are also available, typically £200*. *+VAT Please note - this course will be very popular. Places will be strictly limited to 20. Further Details: Further information available by e-mailing APA Training Officer .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) or .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) Closing date for registration is 11 April 2014. The APA Educational Trust would like to acknowledge with thanks assistance from the National Measurement Office Government Chemist Programme and the Analytical Trust Fund.
Measurement Uncertainty Course 25th-26th February 2014
05/02/2014 - LGC, Queens Road, Teddington, Middlesex, TW11 0LY, UK
LGC are running a measurement uncertainty course at Teddington on 25-26 February and can offer a limited number of places to APA members
Details of the course are at: