APA News

  • Review of the Food Safety (Sampling & Qualifications) Regulations 1990

    These Regulations specify the qualifications necessary to be a public analyst, food analyst or food examiner for the purposes of the Food Safety Act 1990.
    They prohibit specified persons from carrying out analyses or examinations. They also specify the procedures to be followed when a sample has been procured under that Act for analysis or examination, and exclude from these procedures samples taken under Regulations which have their own procedures. They prescribe the form of certificate to be used by analysts and examiners in making their reports.
    The Food Standards Agency has been considering a review of these Regulations for some years. Prior to a formal review it is currently holding a preliminary review. To read the letter outlining this and details of where to respond to click here. Responses are requested by the 24th June 2011. The APA will be submitting a response.