APA News

  • Public Analyst Trainees Clear the First Hurdle

    PASS Candidates & Counsellors May 2013: l-r Nigel Payne, Sylwester Lukasik, Emma Downie, John Waller

    Stafford Candidate & Counsellor May 2013: l-r Michelle Evans, Simon Cull

    The postgraduate exam, which focusses on analytical chemistry, is the first step towards the qualification that will enable them to be appointed as public analysts. The candidates will now move onto Part B which covers analysis of food, animal feed and water and the law relating to these areas.
    Liz Moran, President of the Association of Public Analysts said “I am very pleased at the 100% success rate this year. It’s great to see new talent coming through and I wish them every success in the next stage of their studies.”